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Mettez du LOL dans votre DS

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Mettez du LOL dans votre DS Empty Mettez du LOL dans votre DS

Message par Mathoïdes Jeu 20 Mar - 21:56



The Craziest Handheld Game Ever is Coming This May

SUNNYVALE, CA – March 14, 2008 – Agetec, Inc today announced that it will be releasing LOL for Nintendo DS™ this May. A unique, free-form gaming experience, LOL’s motto says it best: “If the game is boring, then you are boring.”

“We decided not to include a single player mode in the game because that would defeat the purpose. This game was created to be a social game that allows you interact on and off Nintendo DS with your friends,” said Mark Johnson, the producer. “LOL concentrates on the comedic joy of using the imagination of everyone in the room.”

“LOL is a game with endless possibilities that can be played for hours and hours of nonstop entertainment,” said Hiro Fukuoka, producer at Agetec. “As long as you are a fun-loving person with a little bit of an imagination, there should be no reason you find LOL to be anything less than a great time with your friends. It maximizes your creative abilities and puts a fun twist to it.”

LOL is played by one of the players making a challenge in writing to the others. The crazier the challenge, the more fun everyone will have. The person who delivered the challenge chooses an appropriate time limit, and everyone has to answer the challenge on their touch screen however they see fit – with words, pictures, or whatever comes to mind. The host reveals the answers, and everyone votes on a winner who will then decide on the challenge for the next round. Always different and a blast to play every time, LOL will, as its name implies, make everyone laugh out loud.

Je précobande les yeux fermés. Mettez du LOL dans votre DS Happyface
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Nombre de messages : 20
Age : 32
Localisation : DTC
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2008

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